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Makki N, Zhao J, Ahituv N. Identification of novel genetic networks and regulatory elements underlying Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Susceptibility. In preparation.

Liu Z, Easson GWD, Zhao J, Makki N,  Ahituv N, Hilton M., Tang SY, Gray RS. Adgrg6 regulates IL-6/STAT3 signaling and intervertebral disc degeneration. Matrix Biology. Submitted.


Khanshour AM, Kou I, Fan Y, Einarsdottir E, Makki N, Kidane YH, Kere J, Grauers A, Johnson TD, Paria N, Patel C, Singhania R , Kamiya N, Takeda K, Otomo N, Watanabe K, Luk KDK, Cheung KMC, Herring JA, Rios JJ, Ahituv N, Gerdhem P, Gurnett CA, Song Y, Ikegawa S, Wise CA. Genome-wide Meta-Analysis and Replication Studies in Multiple Ethnicities Identify Novel Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Susceptibility Loci. Human Molecular Genetics. 2018 Nov 15. PMID: 30395268.


Watson C, Leanage G, Makki N, Tvrdik P. Escapees from Rhombomeric Lineage Restriction: Extensive Migration Rostral to the r4/r5 Border of Hox-a3 Expression. The Anatomical Record. 2017 Jul 1. PMID: 28667681.


Eckalbar WL, Schlebusch SA, Mason MK, Gill Z, Parker AV, Booker BM, Nishizaki S, Muswamba-Nday C, Terhune E, Nevonen KA, Makki N, Friedrich T, VanderMeer JE, Pollard KS, Carbone L, Wall JD, Illing N, Ahituv N. Transcriptomic and epigenomic characterization of the developing bat wing. Nature Genetics. 2016 Mar 28. PMID: 27019111.


Jorgenson E*, Makki N*, Shen L, Chen D, Tian C, Eckalbar WL, Hinds D, Ahituv N, Avins A.  A genome-wide association study identifies four novel susceptibility loci underlying inguinal hernia. (*Co-first authors). Nature Communications. 2015 Dec 21;6:10130. PMID: 26686553.


Fu Y, Tvrdik P, Makki N, Machold R, Paxinos G, Watson C. The interfascicular trigeminal nucleus: a precerebellar nucleus in the mouse defined by retrograde neuronal tracing and genetic fate mapping. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2013 Feb 15;521(3):697-708. PMID: 22829396.


Makki N and Capecchi MR. Cardiovascular defects in a mouse model of HOXA1 syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics. 2012 Jan 1;21(1):26-31. PMID: 21940751.


Makki N and Capecchi MR. Identification of novel Hoxa1 downstream targets regulating neural crest and inner ear development. Developmental Biology. 2011 Sep 15;357(2):295-304. (voted #5 of hottest articles in Developmental Biology in 2011). PMID: 21784065.


Fu Y, Tvrdik P, Makki N, Paxinos G, Watson C. Precerebellar nuclei in the hindbrain of the mouse defined by retrograde tracing and correlated with the genetically labeled Wnt1-Cre cell lineage. Cerebellum. 2011 Sep;10(3):570-84. PMID: 21479970.


Makki N and Capecchi MR. Hoxa1 lineage-tracing indicates a direct role for Hoxa1 in development of the inner ear, the heart and the third rhombomere. Developmental Biology. 2010 341(2):499-509. PMID: 20171203.


Fu Y, Tvrdik P, Makki N, Palombi O, Machold R, Paxinos G, Watson C. The precerebellar linear nucleus in the mouse defined by connections, immunohistochemistry, and gene expression. Brain Research. 2009 1271:40-59. PMID:19281800.

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